Ways to Reduce Screen Time as a Family

Screens always seem to be present. We carry around at least one device with a screen everywhere we go, and those devices can help us do almost anything. However, everyone can benefit from spending less time with technology. Excessive screen time has been linked to higher rates of anxiety, depression, and poor sleep. Children are especially susceptible to being sucked into prolonged screen time without realizing the consequences. Here’s how you and your family can work to reduce screen time.

No Phones at the Dinner Table

Eating dinner together is a great bonding experience for kids. Dinner is also the perfect opportunity to practice unplugging from phones, iPads, and other screens. Whatever is going on beyond the dinner table can wait while you enjoy time as a family. Turn off the TV, put phones away from the table, and enjoy each other’s company! Phone- or tablet-free zones can be set up anywhere in the house, but the dinner table is a great place to start. 

Spend Time Outside

Whether your family prefers exploring nature or taking quick walks around the neighborhood, going outside can provide everyone with quality time, fresh air and Vitamin D. See if you can find outdoor activities that everyone in the family can enjoy, especially on weekends when every family member has plenty of downtime.  

Model Good Behavior

If your child sees you constantly checking your phone or mindlessly watching TV, there’s a strong chance that they’ll follow your lead. Be mindful of your own habits, and make sure your child knows that screens aren’t necessary for having a good time. If you see your child spending too much time with screens, suggest other activities that you can do together, like playing a board game or taking a walk outside. 

Set Realistic Expectations

If every night is family movie night at your house, and everyone spends all their time on phones and tablets, that’s not going to change in a day. Make goals that are realistic for your family the way they are now. The recommended amount of screen time per day for children is between one and two hours, but any reduction can be beneficial. As you meet your screen time goals, you can keep setting new ones until the whole family is spending more time together and less time with their devices.

Technology is necessary in today’s world, and it’s easy to have too much of a good thing. Reducing screen time can help your child and the rest of your family thrive. For more than 50 years, the Diocese of Orlando, which includes the top Orlando private schools, has been helping children grow to their fullest potential and become leaders within their communities. We offer unique and dynamic learning environments that engage students and encourage them to become confident and responsible adults. To learn more about what makes us different, contact us today.

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