5 Thoughtful Things to Give Up for Lent

Every year leading up to Easter, Christians make a sacrifice to dedicate time to their relationships with God. These sacrifices run the gamut from cutting out certain foods to putting bad habits on hold. Consider a more thoughtful outlook this year by giving things up that can improve your life and the lives of the rest of your family. Here are some ideas:

Nonessential Shopping

Our favorite stores are always full of wonderful things. It can be easy to pick up a decor item here, a pair of shoes there, until you’re stuck with piles of useless items. For 40 days, see if you can refrain from buying things you don’t need. You may be amazed by how much money you save. At the end, consider donating some of the money you saved to a local charity. Your child may be able to help with ideas for which charity to support.

Screen Time

Sacrificing anything with a screen for 40 days may not be an option, but you can give up some screen time and swap it for quality time. On some days, you and your child can use the time you’d otherwise be watching TV or refreshing social media to enjoy the outdoors. Other days, this time can be dedicated to devotion or prayer, either on your own or with your family. 

Negative Self-Talk

The way we see the world starts with the way we see ourselves. While self deprecating jokes may seem innocent, they eventually lead us to believe what we’re saying. For Lent, try to avoid saying anything bad about yourself. When you start to say or think something negative, reframe it. Find something positive to say instead. Keep in mind, your child will see you as a role model and may start speaking better of themselves. 

Resenting Others

Forgiving yourself is important, but so is forgiving others. You may not be able to let go of lifelong grudges in a month and a half, but you can give up on day-to-day resentment. If someone hurts you, try to avoid jumping to conclusions. See if you can forgive them, talk to them, and move on. You don’t have to trust them again, but you can be the bigger person. 

The Snooze Button

Some people set five alarms for the morning, while others just press the snooze button once for “five more minutes” of sleep. See if you can get up right when your alarm goes off. If this does work, try setting it for an earlier time to give you more time to prepare each day. This will give you quiet time in the morning that you can use for prayer or devotion. 

Lent is a time to grow your relationship with God, and one great way to do that is by improving your daily habits. For more than 50 years, the Diocese of Orlando, which includes the top Orlando Catholic schools, has been helping children grow to their fullest potential and become leaders within their communities. We offer unique and dynamic learning environments that engage students and encourage them to become confident and responsible adults. To learn more about what makes us different, contact us today.