Called to Service: Ways to Get Involved

Community service is a rewarding way to bond with your family. Private schools in Orlando want to remind you to take time to give back. Here’s why you should get involved and ways you and your child can make an impact.


Make New Friends

Dedicating time to making the world a better place allows your child to make new friends with like-minded aspirations. If your child is shy, having her perform a charity act with another child will create a special connection. Volunteering helps you strengthen ties to your community and broadens your network. This way, you have better access to resources and fulfilling activities. 

Feels Good

Volunteering as a family shows your child how good it feels to help others. We understand that trying to coordinate everyone’s schedules can be difficult. Even just an hour a week makes a difference! This sort of compassion and empathy that sparks in your child will be beneficial as she grows into a remarkable human being. 


Builds Self-Confidence

Volunteering can help your child build her confidence and life satisfaction. By performing acts of community service, your child reduces her risk of depression. Social isolation can lead to depression, and volunteering puts her in situations where she can be social. As her confidence builds, the more she finds herself and what she is interested in. And as she plans for her future, this sort of newfound confidence can help her decide where she wants to go and who she wants to be.

Here are ways to get involved:

  1. Lend a hand at the local homeless shelter. Donate food and clothing, and offer to distribute dinner.

  2. Organize letter-writing campaigns to politicians about causes you and your family care about.

  3. Visit elders at an assisted-living facility.

  4. Arrange a day at the animal shelter. Donate food, toys, bedding, and other family supplies. Animal shelters always need help cleaning up, so make a day out of it!

  5. Ask your city if your family can start a community garden.

  6. Reading to children at the hospital.

  7. Volunteer at a museum.

  8. Coordinate neighborhood cleanup projects, such as litter removal and yard work.


For more than 50 years, private schools in Orlando have been helping children grow to their fullest potential and become leaders within their communities. We offer unique and dynamic learning environments that engage students and encourage them to become confident and responsible adults. To learn more about what makes us different, contact us today.