Encouraging Creative Writing and Why It's Beneficial

Writing creatively promotes cognitive growth and smooths out persuasive abilities. Studies show that writing is powerful for the brain and can lead your child to perform better in other classes. Your child may not like writing, but private schools in Orlando believe there are benefits to her learning it. 


Self-Expression and Self-Confidence

Your child is just learning how to identify, understand, and express her feelings. Writing gives your child a healthy outlet to explore and express herself. If she is feeling stressed out or upset, encourage her to take a moment to write something down in a journal. By developing her voice without limitations, she will be able to assert herself easier, which leads to a strengthened self-confidence.

Communication and Persuasion

A piece of writing is produced with a lot of thought, planning, and organization. This is great practice for your child to use specific language to get her opinions across and persuade someone of her point of view.


Creativity and Imagination

Writing gives your child the opportunity to exercise her creativity and imagination. She will imagine characters, situations, and worlds beyond her own, allowing her to think outside of the box. It'll build up her thought process, analysis, and problem-solving skills, which will be important as she builds on her character and her future.

Here are ways your child can learn creative writing:

  1. Set up a writing station: A creation station is one of the most important things a writer can have. Set aside a special place for your child to write. You don’t need a desk; you can even have a nook by a window. Involve them in setting up the space and in the decoration process. Purchase notebooks and pens to kick start her skills.

  2. Subscribe to a children’s writing magazine: In order to be a good writer, you need to do a lot of reading. Get your child inspired and motivated by subscribing to magazines with articles written by children. Let her know that even if her submission wasn’t selected, she should still try and have something to aspire to.

  1. Highlights (ages up to 12)

  2. Jack and Jill (ages six to 12)

  3. Creative Kids (ages eight to 16)

3. Take her to writing workshops: Research writing seminars in your area that cater to children. Participating in scheduled workshops will help her find a writing routine, and she’ll be able to take advantage of a mentor/teacher. Your child will be able to test her limits and overcome her fears. It also gives her the opportunity to meet other children who enjoy writing!


For more than 50 years, private schools in Orlando have been helping children grow to their fullest potential and become leaders within their communities. We offer unique and dynamic learning environments that engage students and encourage them to become confident and responsible adults. To learn more about what makes us different, contact us today.