Celebrating National Teen Self-Esteem Month


May is National Teen Self-Esteem Month, a perfect opportunity to inspire confidence in your child. The nonprofit I Am Worth More is the sponsor of this holiday and works to connect teenagers all around the country with resources that help them build a positive self-image. Teach your child how to recognize her self-worth, so she doesn’t face the problems that so many teens do. 


Start Journaling
Journaling is a great way to get things off of our minds that are weighing us down. It especially works for teenagers and the amount of stress they face. Buy her a diary, and let her divulge her innermost feelings in it. Once she gets all of self-doubt and negative thoughts out of her, she should start to feel better about herself and her life.

Set Affirmations
Have your child create affirmations and have her say them to herself. Affirmation prompts can be anything like, “I am…” or “I feel…” Affirmations are always positive, specific, and in the present tense. They are only a reflection of your child and her behaviors, not anyone else’s. She should use this positive self-talk every day, specifically before school or an important event.

Write a Note
Your teen can build not only her confidence but her relationships by writing letters to her peers. Personal, heartfelt words showing love and support can help her connect with her surroundings. Feeling a part of a community will, in turn, boost her own self-worth.

Be Healthy
A big part of our mental health comes from the way we treat our bodies. Eating nutritiously and exercising regularly promote brain function, reduces anxiety and stress, and encourages a positive self-image. Take a day to prepare or go out for a healthy meal, and do some sort of physical activity, such as yoga or walking, daily.

Social Media Challenge
If you or your child has a social media account, use it to encourage self-esteem. Post tips that teens can use to help better themselves, or have your child say something positive about herself. 

For more than 50 years, the Catholic Diocese of Orlando, home of the best schools in Orlando, has been helping children grow to their fullest potential and become leaders within their communities. We offer unique and dynamic learning environments that engage students and encourage them to become confident and responsible adults. To learn more about what makes us different, contact us today.

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