How STREAM Learning Drives Student Success


As the world changes, so does the education landscape. Today’s children need to be well-rounded to succeed in life. In the early 2000s, a need for science and technology experts led to an emphasis on STEM. STEM revolves around science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Then, technology and art became closer relatives, creating the birth of STEAM. Catholic schools take this approach one step further with STREAM, which incorporates all the aforementioned elements, as well as religion. Here’s how this learning philosophy helps students succeed.

Connects Knowledge with Faith

Children need a strong academic foundation, but it’s not always clear how to apply their lessons to real life. STREAM learning integrates elements of faith with knowledge of academic subjects. This helps children relate to what they’re learning, providing them with a deeper understanding of each concept. 


Makes Math and Science Tangible

When children struggle with math and science, it’s often because they can’t relate to it. Readers and artists may not see the purpose of learning about subjects they don’t enjoy. However, reading and art directly relate to science and math, as students learn in a STREAM curriculum. The faith element makes it that much more relatable for these students. Students are also encouraged to participate in STEM-related projects within the community. 

Drives Appreciation for the Arts

On the other hand, some students see art and music as less important than math and science. With a STREAM curriculum, children learn how all these subjects relate to one another and to their faith. They learn to see stained glass windows in churches and cathedrals as works of faith, art and engineering. Religious music shows them how art, math and faith combine to carry on religious traditions. This helps them appreciate the arts as more than just abstract representations of life.

Prepares Children for the Future

Students at Catholic schools learn about technology as a tool to make the world a better place. Using Catholic principles, they make connections between their online presence and real life, which promotes safety and positive online interactions. As the world evolves, they have a well-rounded educational foundation that will help them adapt. Orlando Catholic schools in the Diocese of Orlando incorporate STREAM into their everyday lessons to help students succeed. 

For more than 50 years, the Diocese of Orlando, which includes the top Orlando Catholic schools, has been helping children grow to their fullest potential and become leaders within their communities. We offer unique and dynamic learning environments that engage students and encourage them to become confident and responsible adults. To learn more about what makes us different, contact us today.