The SOAP Method of Engaging with Scripture

If you are thinking of ways to teach your child the Bible, look no further. The SOAP Method is the way to go. Our private Schools in Orlando show you how to teach your child to read the Scripture using this unique teaching technique. All you need is a few minutes and your child’s Bible to understand God’s truth.


S for Scripture

If your child has a short attention span or a hard time remembering things, have her write down Bible passages. Whether it’s just one passage or several, writing things down helps the brain retain information. 

O for Observations

Once your daughter writes down the message, she is probably wondering what it all means. So it’s time for her to examine the text and write notes on what she observes. Ask her questions, such as “What stands out to you in the passage?” or “Is there comparison and contrast?” Start with the obvious, which encourages her to dive deeper.


A for Applications

God’s word and truth can be applied to every aspect of our lives. Teach your daughter to personalize her study of the Scripture. Ask her how it can apply to her. By doing this activity, she will soon realize God is in every moment of her life.

P for Prayer

Prayer is responding to God’s word with your own. When your child begins to take in and understand His word, it’s time to pray. Tell her to praise God for all He has done and what He revealed in his passages. Then she will thank Him for His truth and care. You and your child will ask the Holy Spirit to continue growing inside of you.


For more than 50 years, private schools in Orlando have been helping children grow to their fullest potential and become leaders within their communities. We offer unique and dynamic learning environments that engage students and encourage them to become confident and responsible adults. To learn more about what makes us different, contact us today.