Read Over the Summer

Summer vacation is right around the corner, and students are ready to relax, give their brain a break, and set their books aside; but they don’t have to set books aside to relax! If your child isn’t prone to choosing a novel over her favorite video game, these tips can help. Find out how you can keep your child reading — and enjoying it — even on summer vacation.Build a Reading NookCreate a cozy space dedicated to reading, and ask your child to help you craft it. Your child can paint a special “reading nook” sign, and together you can gather soft blankets, squishy pillows, stuffed animals, and bright lamps that will make the space inviting and inspiring.Get Their Friends to JoinTalk to some of the parents of your child’s friends and see if they would be willing to plan a few “library play-dates.” Not only are these a great time to leave with a large stack of books, but you can participate in your local library’s summer activities! Ask about camps, live performances, and family game nights — or even about competitions to read the most books over vacation.Let Your Child PickAfter a year full of reading textbooks and novels they didn’t choose, the summertime is the perfect opportunity to let your child dive into their own interests. Encourage her to choose books she wants to read; she might be surprised to find out that she can enjoy reading! Even if what she’s interested in are magazines, comics, or short graphic novels, this will build her confidence to read more and plant the seeds for a lifelong love of reading.Books and DessertPlan for a weekly after-dinner dessert night when your family gets together to read, talk about books, and enjoy ice cream sundaes. If you have younger children, use this time to read a picture book out loud together. If your children are older, use this time for everyone to eat dessert and read on their own, or better yet, use it as a book club time! Discuss the books that you’re all reading, or plan to read the same book and talk about it each week.Teddy Bear PicnicAll you need for a Teddy Bear Picnic are some yummy snacks, books, stuffed animals, and a big blanket. Try to make sure everything is teddy bear-related! Read a few books, eat your snacks, and finish up with a bear-themed movie like “Brother Bear” or “Winnie the Pooh.”For more than 50 years, Catholic schools in Orlando have been helping children grow to their fullest potential and become leaders within their communities. We offer unique and dynamic learning environments that engage students and encourage them to become confident and responsible adults. To learn more about what makes us different, contact us today.