Prepare Your Child for Preschool

Is your child starting preschool in the fall? It’s never too early to get him prepared! Find out what you can work on together this summer to help him get ready for his first day of school.Help Around the HouseTeach your children that they are a part of a community and a family, and that they are an important part of a larger group. Give your child simple jobs around the house and make sure he knows how he’s helping! Ask him to make his bed, clean up his toys, and clear the dishes from the dinner table.Empathy and SharingIs your child used to sharing and taking turns? Board games are a great way to practice this. One day, play a game that he wants to play, and the next day, tell him that it’s your turn to pick the game. Explain why it’s a good thing to take turns and listen to what his friends want to do, and talk to him about why his friends’ emotions are important.Take SpaceSchedule time for your child to stay with other trusted adults for a few hours, such as with grandparents or a friend’s parents on a playdate. This will get him used to being separated from you and will make dropping him off at preschool much easier.Motor SkillsTake some time to focus on enhancing your child’s fine and gross motor skills. To develop his fine motor skills, take away electronics, and give him opportunities to write, draw, craft, and play with Play-Doh. To develop his gross motor skills, encourage unstructured outdoor play!Learn the BasicsResist the temptation to pull out flashcards and teach your child the alphabet. Focus on making learning fun! Start with basic colors, shapes, and letters, but help him make connections. Talk about how his favorite animal, the elephant, starts with an E, and how elephants are the color gray. Help him count the number of goldfish on his plate during snack time, or count the number of stairs he climbs, and ask him to use certain colors while he draws.For more than 50 years, the best private schools in Orlando have been helping children grow to their fullest potential and become leaders within their communities. We offer unique and dynamic learning environments that engage students and encourage them to become confident and responsible adults. To learn more about what makes us different, contact us today.